

LG Communication Center

LG LIFE serves as an internal promotional video platform, utilized by over 260,000 LG employees.

In our pursuit to strengthen the synergy and engagement among the employees, we've delineated the trajectory for advancements in UI/UX, and by focusing on incorporating contemporary designs and improving usability, we've created a platform that offers personalized content.

PC Web
Creative Fields
UX Design / GUI Design / S.W Development
Project Manager
Choi Yongseok, Hwang Inseon
Hwang Junho, Lee Yejin, Kang Jinhong, Choi Yikyung, Kang Bumin, Sung Seungyeon, Shim Yookyung, Lee Sanghyo, Shin Sangseop, Bae Sungmin, Jang Yujin, Park Hyungil, Choi Yongsoo, Han Sooyeon, Chae Seungpyo, Kim Kyungsik, Oh Sohyun
Next Project
Samsung Developer Portal
다채로운 볼거리와 넘치는 정보, LG인의 결속과 성장을 돕는, LG인의 열린 이야기 커뮤니티

Project goal

LG LIFE embodies a space where communication and mutual understanding between the organization and employees thrive.

Strategy 안정적인 프로젝트 전략 수립, Situation 트랜드 및 업계 현황 분석, As-is 서비스 문제점 분석, To-be 분석결과에 맞춘 해결책 제시, Keyscreen UX / GUI 상세 화면 제공, Improment 업무 단위 개선 방식 정의, Result 추진과제 도출 및 이행계획 수립
안정적인 프로젝트 전략 수립
트렌드 및 업계 현황 분석
서비스 문제점 분석
분석결과에 맞춘 해결책 제시
UX / GUI 상세 화면 제공
업무 단위 개선 방식 정의
추진과제 도출 및 이행계획 수립

Data-Driven, Systematic Consulting

Our blueprint for delivering top-tier service revolves around the digital transformation strategy, which is led by professionals from various domains and this strategy is customer-centric, facilitating enhancements in usability based on specific needs.

End-to-End Service Delivery

Our services commence with consulting driven by data, proceed with UI/UX design, and culminate with the representation of these elements in modern design. By developing and incorporating the functionalities mentioned in the requirements, we not only manage the system but also identify areas for improvement. This comprehensive approach allows us to deliver end-to-end service throughout the entire lifecycle of the service.

LG 라이프 홈페이지

Optimization of User Navigation

We scrutinize the data representing the optimal user journey from the home page to detail pages and supply the most optimal user navigation data by analyzing individualized content preferences.

트렌드 - 금성전파사 새로고침센터! 즐거운 기운으로 나를 새로고침 할 수 있는 공간, 금성새로고침센터가 서울 경동시장에 오픈했습니다.
라이프스타일 - 고양이 절대 안돼! 우리 집에서 고양이는 절대 안돼! 아빠와 고양이의 해피투게더 비긴즈
트렌드 - 금성오락실에서 마음대로 놀자! 힘스터들이 모이는 곳, 성수동. LG전자의 올레드로 즐기는 특별한 팝업스토어.
트렌드 - 요안 부르주아, 그 첫 내한공연! LG아트센터 서울에서 열린 LG Signiture 특별전시를 확인해보세요.

Refreshing Operational Content Every Day

By aligning LG's original video content with current issues and trends, we foster active communication among our employees. We're committed to ensuring that LG news reaches LG employees swiftly and accurately.

Creating a Community Space for LG Employees

By curating a variety of engaging content, we've established a platform for LG employees to interact. Besides our rich video content, our message boards, including those for second-hand trades, contribute to fostering a sense of unity and growth among the workforce.